Carol Lybrook, DDS, & Scott Lybrook, DMD
Practicing for over 30 years each, Dr. Carol Lybrook and Dr. Scott Lybrook have been grateful to serve the residents of Fruita and Grand Junction with outstanding preventive and cosmetic dental care for almost two decades. Husband and wife, they work together as a cohesive team to address your needs and get you the very best care based on their individual specialties. They are truly passionate about helping people obtain healthy smiles in a caring, compassionate environment.
Dr. Carol Lybrook graduated cum laude with her Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the prestigious University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio School of Dentistry. Dr. Scott Lybrook graduated from the Oregon Health Sciences University of Dentistry with his Doctor of Dental Medicine degree.
Dedicated to Outreach & Volunteerism
Both doctors are passionate about serving the public. Dr. Carol served with the Indian Health Service on the Navajo/Hopi Reservation for three years and in the National Health Service Corps as Director of Dental Services for three years. Dr. Scott spent eight years practicing with the Indian Health Service on the Blackfeet, Navajo/Hopi and Taos/Picuris Indian Reservations.
For more than 15 years, they have provided the Migrant Workers Program with dental supplies. For over 18 years, they have participated in Children’s Health Month by leading educational programs in local elementary classes. During these visits, they make learning about dental health hands-on and fun so the children can stay healthy, avoid issues as they grow up and develop good habits they can carry into adulthood.
Devoted to Lifelong Learning
Always in pursuit of professional growth, Dr. Carol and Dr. Scott have completed advanced training with some of the most notable experts in the dental field, including Steve Buchanan (endodontics), Carl Misch (implants), Frank Spears (aesthetic and restorative dentistry) and John Kois (aesthetics, implants and restorative dentistry). Their drive to constantly improve as dentists has also led them to participate in continuing education courses at the renowned Dawson Academy and the distinguished Las Vegas Institute of Advanced Dental Studies.
Dr. Carol and Dr. Scott are proud members of the American Dental Association® and the Colorado Dental Association. Dr. Carol is the past president, secretary and treasurer for the local American Dental Association society while Dr. Scott received the honor of Fellow from the International Congress of Oral Implantologists.
Dr. Carol particularly enjoys cosmetic and laser dentistry. Dr. Scott is a certified provider for Six Month Smiles® and has special interests in cosmetic, laser and implant dentistry, as well as endodontics. Lybrook Dental Center was one of the very first practices to bring laser technology to the area, and our premier periodontal program has pioneered this innovative technology for over 20 years.
Active in the Local Community
When not providing first-rate dental care to their community, Dr. Carol and Dr. Scott can be found in the great outdoors, hiking, fishing, camping and spending time on Lake Powell. They are also active in their local church (and Dr. Scott rocks it on the bass in the Praise Band!). Along with his musical talents, Dr. Scott has a passion, and eye, for photography, so check out some of his landscape photos that decorate our office. In her free time, Dr. Carol enjoys biking and hiking. Dr. Carol and Dr. Scott have three wonderful boys together, whom they love very much.
Lybrook Dental Center upholds the highest standard when it comes to hiring team members to ensure that you are being seen by only the very best associates in our field. We are proud to work with an outstanding group of kindhearted, talented dental professionals who believe in our compassionate, innovative and personalized approach to dentistry.